Welcome to Jaipur Foot & Caliper

Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital is a trust-managed, autonomous, fee-for services, not- for-profit, multi-disciplinary, private hospital which was conceptualized by the vernerable family patriarch, the late Padamshri Khailshankar Durlabhji. He had the passion and compassion to deliver affordable quality health care to the people of Rajasthan, second to none in the country. Located in the heart of the Pink City, SDMH is a self-contained campus with staff residences, a bank, a post office, medical stores, a dairy booth, an inpaitent attendant complex (Dharamshala) and other living facilities.
The hospital had a very modest beginning in 1971 when Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi inaugrated it, with a bed strength of only eighty beds and six specialities. The bed strength ha now grown to 550 with many wards, state of art operation theatres, well equipped ICUs, laboratories and utility services under different specialities and super specialities.
Dr. P.K. Sethi, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation